
Showing posts from January, 2023

Here we go again...

Here we go again..... Hello Village. It's been a minute. We've had a few weeks of "calm" and respite. But, this weekend, Ezrah's body presented signs of inflammation again in the form of Uveitis. (The same eye conditioned that occurred in early 2020.) I have ALWAYS wondered if this was related to the inflammation that turned into the mass/bone infection this last September. It is clear that Ezrah's body gets MAJOR inflammation, but WHY. WHAT is causing this? All signs and symptoms point towards various auto-immune diseases that I refuse to give breath to. My besties swore me off Google and Web MD and I have obliged. The whole time with the bone infection...the question was always: is this chronic? Is this auto-immune related? Will this return? Well, here we are in the "we have another situation" camp. So, what now? More visits? More tests? We have calls back into Rheumatology at Randall's, the Opthamalogist, and have left messages with her other