Here we go again...

Here we go again.....

Hello Village.

It's been a minute. We've had a few weeks of "calm" and respite. But, this weekend, Ezrah's body presented signs of inflammation again in the form of Uveitis. (The same eye conditioned that occurred in early 2020.) I have ALWAYS wondered if this was related to the inflammation that turned into the mass/bone infection this last September. It is clear that Ezrah's body gets MAJOR inflammation, but WHY. WHAT is causing this? All signs and symptoms point towards various auto-immune diseases that I refuse to give breath to. My besties swore me off Google and Web MD and I have obliged. The whole time with the bone infection...the question was always: is this chronic? Is this auto-immune related? Will this return? Well, here we are in the "we have another situation" camp. So, what now? More visits? More tests?

We have calls back into Rheumatology at Randall's, the Opthamalogist, and have left messages with her other doctors so that we are all on the same page. We just really want answers for her. We have an appointment on Thursday with the allergist. Initially, this is to confirm her allergies to various antibiotics, but, I'm hoping they may rule out some food intolerances also. 

We have been actively working to heal her gut from the 12 weeks of heavy medication. An ANGEL of a couple are graciously brewing Ezzie weekly rounds of Kombucha and we are sooooo grateful. 

As you can see, Luna Lovegood has been a Godsend. She has the BEST temperment. We initially wanted Luna for Ezzie as both an emotional and therapy support animal. But, what I didn't know was that I needed Luna just as much. I love this dog so much and she is just such a sweet heart. She's been a heart-healer as I've struggled through this less than graciously. We've got quite a routine now that includes a nightly a snuggle-sesh. Ezrah, Luna and I begin Puppy Kindergarten at Enzo's (Ezrah's DREAM career path) on Saturday. I am so glad they're willing to make an exception and let Ezzie hands-on train in the class too. Since adopting Luna, Ezrah runs, plays, dances and snuggles with her pup. Daily I'm in awe that we went from a wheel chair to DANCING!

So, friends...we sure would appreciate prayers as we navigate this next chapter. And oh how we pray that it's a short one. Like, two pages. Max.


  1. Two steps forward, one step back. Dancing is awesome, but let's find something other than the Cha-cha. Hooray for Luna! Prayers for Ezrah!

  2. Back to St. Joseph! While he sleeps he gets guidance. Be at peace, God has a plan, He always does.

  3. Praying for answers and clear information.

  4. Praying for supernatural PEACE as you wait. Praying for the answers to be made clear and healing for your sweet girl. ❤️

  5. Even though this is daunting for all of you, God is your Refuge and Strength. He is with you on this and He promises to guide you through it all . Sending up prayers for all of you. Will also pray for the Dr's. That God will show them what is causing this inflammation and how to cure it. Isaiah 41:10 is a wonderful promise.

  6. I hope the outcome from Thursday visit is good.


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