Bye Bye DRAIN, Don't Let the Door Hit Ya In The Keister on Your Way Out

(The face of a man who no longer has a tube stuck in his back.) *UPDATES* 6/13/23 12:30PM It's a BIG week over here....HUGE. YUGE. TONY IS FREEEEE! He met with IR today at OHSU and Dr. Kim removed the drain. Now listen here, right now; Nurse Nelson is STRONGLY considering going back to school for nursing, ya know, to make it "OFFICIAL." Friends, ZERO doubt that I could've removed that drain and loved every single minute of it. Dr. Kim? I'm pretty sure she would've let me assist. Especially since I was about 3 inches from the site "helping." She. Is. AWESOME. Tony really does have an AMAZING, thorough team on this case. And he feels FREEEE. A new man has emerged. (Suggestions on nursing schools OR phlebotomy programs can be sent to MOI. I'm entertaining both. Clearly, I like blood and needles, but math? Not so much.) Tony also went back to work yesterday. He's starting back SLOOOWWWLLLYYYY. Starting with 4 hour days and nothing SUPER physical...