
Showing posts from June, 2023

Bye Bye DRAIN, Don't Let the Door Hit Ya In The Keister on Your Way Out

(The face of a man who no longer has a tube stuck in his back.) *UPDATES* 6/13/23 12:30PM It's a BIG week over here....HUGE. YUGE. TONY IS FREEEEE! He met with IR today at OHSU and Dr. Kim removed the drain. Now listen here, right now; Nurse Nelson is STRONGLY considering going back to school for nursing, ya know, to make it "OFFICIAL." Friends, ZERO doubt that I could've removed that drain and loved every single minute of it. Dr. Kim? I'm pretty sure she would've let me assist. Especially since I was about 3 inches from the site "helping." She. Is. AWESOME. Tony really does have an AMAZING, thorough team on this case. And he feels FREEEE. A new man has emerged.  (Suggestions on nursing schools OR phlebotomy programs can be sent to MOI. I'm entertaining both. Clearly, I like blood and needles, but math? Not so much.) Tony also went back to work yesterday. He's starting back SLOOOWWWLLLYYYY. Starting with 4 hour days and nothing SUPER physical

Today's surgery - CANCELED

 *UPDATES* 6/7 5pm  BIG Day today! Slight set back. (We expect these now, so it's less of a shock/disappointment.) Tony had an early morning CT scan followed by a small surgery/procedure to have the drain removed. But... the IR team just wasn't comfortable taking it out quite yet once they got him back in the OR. They took some pictures, and everything got canceled/put on hold. (Cue the parental Charlie Brown voice.) Wah..wah..waaa So, we have to wait another week and then come back for the removal. I'll spare the details. They have their reasons, but essentially pulling it out today COULD have put a "high risk" of starting the drain process ALL over again. We do NOT want that. We will wait. Impatiently at best. This means Tony will have to go back to work next week (first day back is June 12th) with the drain still in place. (He's bummed). It's like a literal chain that holds him back... or rather slows him down. As you can see from the photo, he refuses