Bye Bye DRAIN, Don't Let the Door Hit Ya In The Keister on Your Way Out

(The face of a man who no longer has a tube stuck in his back.)




It's a BIG week over here....HUGE. YUGE.


He met with IR today at OHSU and Dr. Kim removed the drain. Now listen here, right now; Nurse Nelson is STRONGLY considering going back to school for nursing, ya know, to make it "OFFICIAL." Friends, ZERO doubt that I could've removed that drain and loved every single minute of it. Dr. Kim? I'm pretty sure she would've let me assist. Especially since I was about 3 inches from the site "helping." She. Is. AWESOME. Tony really does have an AMAZING, thorough team on this case. And he feels FREEEE. A new man has emerged. 

(Suggestions on nursing schools OR phlebotomy programs can be sent to MOI. I'm entertaining both. Clearly, I like blood and needles, but math? Not so much.)

Tony also went back to work yesterday. He's starting back SLOOOWWWLLLYYYY. Starting with 4 hour days and nothing SUPER physically taxing. He has the blessings from his doctors, but his wife is still FREAKED OUT OF HER MIND, letting him out of her sight. PTSD?



Tony will have follow-up appointments as needed. But now, our immediate focus shifts to Ezzie, who has an MRI on the 22nd at Randall's. These are sooooo soooooo hard for her. Luna won't be able to go with us on this one, and we'd really love prayers for her, especially as they place the IV. (Her leg pain is back, intermittently. But, enough to bring tears and sleepless nights.)

I'll update here as things move along. This has and will always be therapy for me, as well as a way to document the timeline of events.

P.S. Several has asked, and yes, we are still processing through the insurance stuff. Bills are coming daily, and I'd much rather stick my head in the sand, on a beach, with a Mai Tai. But, alas, adulting must be done.

P.P.S. Thanks to ALLLLL of you who have loved on Tony as he has returned to VTC and the land of the living. ALL of the support makes me cry constantly. I'm in awe. I mean, I think he's ok. But, many of you really love him. Goosebumps galore. What a mighty village!


  1. Best news ever!!! Will keep the prayers coming for Ezzie. Go for the nursing career!

  2. 💙💙💙💙

  3. Oh thanks music to my ears about Tony and we will pray for Ezrah no doubt! Much love your way

  4. I LOVE THIS POAT! (except the part about Ezrah - sweet thing, needs some love and good medical attention)

  5. This is such exciting news! Thanks for the updates Becky. Will continue to pray for Tony, you, the family, and now especially Ezzie. God is so faithful.
    Chuck Stewart


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