Ezrah the BRAVE is on her way HOME!

(The anxiety cocktail in FULL effect) What. a. day. Ezrah is such a trooper! I have three initial thoughts. 1. Modern medicine is amazingly hilarious, entertaining, and miraculous. 2. Seeing blood on/near/oozing out of my child will NEVER not make me want to barf my guts out. I STILL have a pit in stomach. Indefinitely. 3. Pediatric specialists have wings. Of this I am convinced. They are ANGELS. Sent from the Lord. Dr. Horikawa was able to do the ablation, but NOT the biopsy. Ezrah has had a recent string of events that have him searching "broader" about what is going on. Good ol' "rheumatology" and "auto-immune" were mentioned ONCE again. (If I had a nickle) But, he is hopeful this ablation will resolve her pain IF this is a classic osteoma. Time will tell. And we meet once again, with Rheumatology, with her new symptoms in September. A repeat CT in six months through IR to follow today's surgery/progress. The biopsy d...