
Showing posts from July, 2023

Ezrah the BRAVE is on her way HOME!

               (The anxiety cocktail in FULL effect) What. a. day. Ezrah is such a trooper! I have three initial thoughts.  1. Modern medicine is amazingly hilarious, entertaining, and miraculous. 2. Seeing blood on/near/oozing out of my child will NEVER not make me want to barf my guts out. I STILL have a pit in stomach. Indefinitely. 3. Pediatric specialists have wings. Of this I am convinced. They are ANGELS. Sent from the Lord. Dr. Horikawa was able to do the ablation, but NOT the biopsy. Ezrah has had a recent string of events that have him searching "broader" about what is going on. Good ol' "rheumatology" and "auto-immune" were mentioned ONCE again. (If I had a nickle)  But, he is hopeful this ablation will resolve her pain IF this is a classic osteoma. Time will tell. And we meet once again, with Rheumatology, with her new symptoms in September. A repeat CT in six months through IR to follow today's surgery/progress. The biopsy didn't o

Surgery for Ezrah on 7/27

Hi Friends! I know it's been a minute, but I just wanted to send a quick update as we have some BIG news this week. Unfortunately, Ezrah will undergo another surgery THIS Thursday morning at Randall's Children's Hospital in Portland on her leg. We've been told to expect about 5.5 hours. (You know how much I LOVE "time estimates.") Her pain has returned, and the plan is to attempt a cryto ablation as well as biopsy the "mass" that they still see present in her tibia. We are hopeful that this will be her final surgery and bring her some MUCH needed pain relief. Our hope is that recovery will be swift. If you've followed our adventures, specifically Ezrah's journey, you'd know these things are so so so hard for her and bring paralyzing anxiety. We sure would covet prayers this week and beyond, during her recovery.  As for Tony...he is stable and doing well considering all things. He will have a follow-up with Hematology in December, and a re