Surgery for Ezrah on 7/27

Hi Friends!

I know it's been a minute, but I just wanted to send a quick update as we have some BIG news this week. Unfortunately, Ezrah will undergo another surgery THIS Thursday morning at Randall's Children's Hospital in Portland on her leg. We've been told to expect about 5.5 hours. (You know how much I LOVE "time estimates.") Her pain has returned, and the plan is to attempt a cryto ablation as well as biopsy the "mass" that they still see present in her tibia. We are hopeful that this will be her final surgery and bring her some MUCH needed pain relief. Our hope is that recovery will be swift. If you've followed our adventures, specifically Ezrah's journey, you'd know these things are so so so hard for her and bring paralyzing anxiety. We sure would covet prayers this week and beyond, during her recovery. 

As for Tony...he is stable and doing well considering all things. He will have a follow-up with Hematology in December, and a repeat CT in one year, pending no more pancreatic flare ups.

Luna Lovegood...our beloved 9 month old German Shepherd has not quite made the cut as a Service Dog, but, she's been a PHENOMENAL companion to Ezrah (and the rest of us!) We adore her, and we are in the market for a "Neville Longbottom" (male GSD puppy.) We know Luna will be a HUGE comfort to Ezrah when she gets home from the hospital. We're just so grateful for her!

A short update for now....

Keep Ezzie in your prayers. Thursday is going to be hard.


  1. Thanks for the updates! Prayers coming your way ♥️

  2. Love yall. Been praying for you continually xoxo

  3. Continued prayers πŸ’ Paula

  4. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  5. Prayers and comfort for you all. Love you ❤️

  6. Of course prayers and good thoughts for all.

  7. Our entire family will be praying that this surgery is the final one and peace will return for all your family. God be with you!!!


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