
Showing posts from January, 2024

Proud to be an American

He's officially official. Please give a warm smack on "the bum" (or back, whichever) to our NEWEST U.S Citizen! The Nelson 8 witnessed a beautiful ceremony today at WSU. It really was a special event. Today is historic for The Nelson Legacy. (Thank you for understanding why we didn't invite others. If you know Tony, you know he's not one for attention. After this last year, I think he's "attentioned" out.) It was really just a day we wanted to celebrate with the kids. I am just thrilled that they all cleared their schedules today, and we "home-schooled" in US History, hard. (Naturalization Ceremony!? Doesn't get more American/historical than that!) A brief health update: Tony has a vascular ultrasound tomorrow at OHSU that we would really love covered in prayer. (It's at 1pm.) As many remember, the last ultrasound landed us back at OHSU for 5 days because of the newly discovered blood clots. Tony's been off blood thinners for a