Proud to be an American

He's officially official. Please give a warm smack on "the bum" (or back, whichever) to our NEWEST U.S Citizen! The Nelson 8 witnessed a beautiful ceremony today at WSU. It really was a special event. Today is historic for The Nelson Legacy. (Thank you for understanding why we didn't invite others. If you know Tony, you know he's not one for attention. After this last year, I think he's "attentioned" out.) It was really just a day we wanted to celebrate with the kids. I am just thrilled that they all cleared their schedules today, and we "home-schooled" in US History, hard. (Naturalization Ceremony!? Doesn't get more American/historical than that!)

A brief health update:

Tony has a vascular ultrasound tomorrow at OHSU that we would really love covered in prayer. (It's at 1pm.) As many remember, the last ultrasound landed us back at OHSU for 5 days because of the newly discovered blood clots. Tony's been off blood thinners for a few weeks now, so this will be telling. Becky would really like to NOT have an emergent phone call urging us back into the ED. ESPECIALLY during the ARCTIC snow-maggedon that The Lord is about to bless us with DURING the appointment. She would also simply HATE to be stuck in Portland tomorrow afternoon, in a hotel, with someone willing to cook and clean for her, provide fresh linens, and have room service at the ready. Sounds utterly miserable. 

Ezrah's latest bloodwork came back with a few RED flags. But, her rheumatologist isn't concerned enough and wants her to stay on the medication that seems to be working swimmingly. As always, we recheck and revisit in another month. Rinse and repeat.

As always. Thanks for being our people. Our village. Our support. We are thankful. And we are REALLY looking forward to the most boring NEW year of our lives. May 2024 come in like a sloth.


  1. Sandi Weldon BoudreauJanuary 11, 2024 at 4:44 PM

    Happy for you all and prayers for clear reports!

  2. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰TL

  3. Awesome pictures!!!! Beautiful family! 😍

  4. Love you guys…. Praying continually for you as you walk the walk. Congrats to Tony!! The Ordways

  5. I’m a little late, but WOOHOO! Congratulations Tony and so glad things are stable and looking up for the whole family. 🤗❤️


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