
Showing posts from December, 2022

Dr. Bob Broke Up With Us Today!

Dr. Bob broke up with us today.  For good reasons. Ezrah's infection is GONE! Her bone (Tibia) has regrown and healed. The mass is 100% dissolved. The *dead* bone has been restored. His parting words to her were "go and be ridiculously average and as active as you can be."  WE ARE IN AWE. God is good.  There will always be a chance of a reoccurring infection. We simply still don't know WHY this happened or if this is a chronic issue, or perhaps auto-immune related. These are answers that will only be known through time. But, Ezrah knows to be vocal if her pain returns. Dr. Bob believes this may be an isolated incident...and asked her to please not be unique in this...or an over-achiever...or one of those rare statistics that has osteomyelitis reoccur time and time again. (Which probably better explains his parting words.) He assessed her gait: IMPROVED! Thanks to Luna Lovegood. Ezrah loves playing and dancing with her new puppy! We are hopeful that today's bloodwo

Bottom's UP! Round 3.

Ezrah is 14 days in on Medicine #3 and well, it works....when she can keep it down. This is a tough one because she tends to throw it up. And ya know what? She's getting tired of it. Who wouldn't? Girl's exhausted.  We met virtually with Dr. Bob (angel doctor) today and the plan is to finish STRONG these next 14 days and then break. Wait. Hope. AND PRAY WITHOUT ceasing. We will go in for more imaging at the end of December or beginning of January. That will be about 1 month since our last imaging and a good comparison to see where this infection is at. We desperately need to give Ezzie a break from this medicine and work on healing her gut. We've had a few scary instances come that I believe are GI related. And well, with respect to Ezzie, I'll just say we are being referred to a GI specialist as well. Fix one issue, but provoke another. We had no choice. If we DIDN'T follow through with antibiotics, it is very likely Ezrah would lose her leg. So, we will cross