Bottom's UP! Round 3.

Ezrah is 14 days in on Medicine #3 and well, it works....when she can keep it down. This is a tough one because she tends to throw it up. And ya know what? She's getting tired of it. Who wouldn't? Girl's exhausted. 

We met virtually with Dr. Bob (angel doctor) today and the plan is to finish STRONG these next 14 days and then break. Wait. Hope. AND PRAY WITHOUT ceasing. We will go in for more imaging at the end of December or beginning of January. That will be about 1 month since our last imaging and a good comparison to see where this infection is at. We desperately need to give Ezzie a break from this medicine and work on healing her gut. We've had a few scary instances come that I believe are GI related. And well, with respect to Ezzie, I'll just say we are being referred to a GI specialist as well. Fix one issue, but provoke another. We had no choice. If we DIDN'T follow through with antibiotics, it is very likely Ezrah would lose her leg. So, we will cross more bridges as they come. We believe in 100% restoration.

Overall, she's SO much better. Night and Day difference in her ability to walk, her pain, and well being. We are so grateful. Luna Lovegood has been SOOOOO SOOOOO good. She's exactly what we ALL needed. She's perfect. Luna is getting into the biting/nipping phase and I do sense a bit of trepidation on Ezrah's part because I think she's scared Luna may bite her leg/incision sight. But, the love and snuggles MORE than make up for it. She is SMITTEN.


And thoughts:

A Memoir of Luna and Mama....

I've never been a dog person. Ever. And truthfully, I thought most of y'all were CRAY-ZEE. Forgive me? 

But, when the opportunity presented itself to get Luna for Ezzie, I knew it was EXACTLY what SHE needed. Ha! God's funny that way. Guess what? It was ME that needed Luna too. Can I just tell you what a tangible BALM to my heart she has been? Ezzie is in LOVE. We ALL are. But, what I didn't know is that I needed Luna too. She's kept me busy, that's for sure. But, what a gorgeous distraction to focus on. In the mornings, when I sit in the quiet, the still, before ANYONE else is awake. Luna will put her paws up on the couch and whimper for me to pick her up. It's just her and I. I drink my coffee and she snuggles in. She loves and snuggles and yearns to be held, secured. It's quiet. It's therapy. It's warm. It's needed. For both of us.

Hear me out, I will NEVER be the dog-mom that takes her to doggo to Starbucks for a pup-cup. Please stop. For the love. (There are baristas genuinely scared of your dog that lunges for the "pup-cup" and LOTS of people don't actually LIKE bring licked while you put your phone away for what feels like 17 minutes as she waits, dangling her hand out the window, waiting for you to take your drink.) We have boundaries. Today, I respectfully declined at Black Rock when the cute little barista offered her a "treat." Like, I KNOW sister, she's irresistible. But, nah. Girls a'ight. We're working on CAR RIDES right now.

But, dern Skippy I'll be taking Luna for a grooming...and you'd BETTER believe I will insist they give her a savvy handkerchief/necktie when she's done. She's the best girl EVAHHH. Also, it's the ear-flip for me. So sassy. 

Until Next Check-In.....

I'll just be over here with my Thieves (sanitizer) Spray, holding a dog, that's captured my HEART. Every ounce of it. 


  1. Such great news - All around- Luna is a Godsend and she’s lucky to have you all as her family - fight fight fight Ezzie you’re almost there!!

  2. One day at a time! Cheers for Ezhrah! Continuing to pray ! Dogs are amazing. They love you everyday and no matter what.

  3. so so cute and such great news!!

  4. Love all of this…I hear ya about the “dog” person thing….it just takes that one dog that is special to YOU to light that fire. Good news all around!!!!

  5. So thrilled to hear this update. Continuing to pray for your sweet girl & her complete healing ❤️‍🩹

  6. Continued love to all!

  7. I am definitely a dog person. I grew up with them and they have a special place in my heart. They love unconditionally and always sense what you need. And they are great "medicine" for a hurting heart (or leg) :) I am so thankful that God gave us these beautiful animals. I am so happy to see and hear how much Ezrah has improved!

  8. Ezzie girl, your are “Rockin It”💕Such an incredibly strong kid💕Luna, you are the best🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺🐕‍🦺TL

  9. What a blessing! Funny how God works, dogs truly are a girls best friend. I have to share this last week we were all sick. Our momma dog knew that we were not feeling well she was right there the WHOLE time. Luna will be that way too <3 I admire your families strength I will keep praying for you all!


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