Another surgery for Tony on 6/10

Well, village... we come to you today with another update/prayer request. After the ultrasound procedure that Tony had in March, it was discovered that he has some "sludge" in his gallbladder, which CAN be a precursor for another round of pancreatitis. (Apparently, sludge is not something most people have, and given "the perfect storm," it COULD land him back into a lengthy stay at OHSU, or God-forbid, worse.)

Tony met with a surgeon on Tuesday, and it has been strongly advised that he has his gallbladder removed to eliminate that as a possibility. Surgery is set for June 10th at OHSU. If you know Tony, he is, of course, trying to wrangle anyway he can to get back to work for financial reasons in LESS than the three week sentencing. Although it will be a robotic surgery with four incisions, the down time is 3 weeks. Best case scenario. He also feels like he's FINALLY back to his fighting weight and FULLY recovered, so, to him, this feels like a MAJOR setback. Understandably. (He's been working full-time, playing tennis in USTA, and finally enjoying hummus, veggies and the low-fat lifestyle. (OK, that last part might be a stretch.)

We're hoping this is THE KEY.

But, as we've been told 9874 times, they just do not know and CANNOT guarantee that this was why he had pancreatitis in the first place. 

So, we go forth and cross this next hurdle with gratitude. It needs to be done.

We'd be honored to have your support, prayers and understanding as he's "out of office" for a stint...and while our little fam dotes on him in recovery.

Thanks for being Team Nelson.

Oh, and also...Ezrah is doing FABULOUS! (Still on medication. We meet again with Rheumatology in July.) She's about to be 14 and is nearly 5'9". Volleyball girl!? #myheart 


  1. Sending love and prayers for quick healing!❤️‍🩹

  2. You all will continue to be in my heart and prayers ❤️

  3. Oh dear! I hope this is nothing but giant steps forward to long-term health. Love and prayers coming the Nelson way.

  4. Keeping you all in my prayers. I remember when I first got sick decades ago I had my gallbladder removed and Tony let me come to one of his group lessons for five minutes, then ten minutes, etc until I was able
    To get back to privates. Will never forget that kindness. Here for you when needed!

  5. You’ve got ALL the prayers Nelson fam! Love you guys. 💕

  6. All the best Bonesy. Fingers and toes crossed it does the trick. All my love and prayers. Dad


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