9-22-22 First Visit with Orthopedics


Doctors have found an aggressive mass/tumor in Ezrah's knee as well as some dead bone. We were at Randall's all day Thursday meeting with an Orthopedic Specialist and getting further imaging. (MRI) She will be having surgery on Wednesday so they can biopsy the bone, tissue and fluids. We will be at the hospital for a few days. We just don't quite know what we're dealing with other than it is aggressive. She has pain in other bones/joints as well, but, for now we are looking at the mass that was first found in x-ray last week before going further. It could be malignant, it could be an infection. Either way, we have a long road ahead of us. I am honestly in disbelief. I can't believe this is happening. I'm struggling. I am trying to stay upright and strong for my other kids. 
We've been told that part of the bone that has died will need to be removed. Which will mean some possible life altering things for Ezzie. (Deformity, growth issues, etc.) We could be dealing with an infection in her bones. A benign mass. Or a malignant mass. They are focused on the leg they KNOW has a mass before exposing her other pains (hip, shoulder, right leg) to unnecessary radiation.


  1. Ronan was in Randall with his leg ,when he collided with a city buss, they are AWESOME❤️ You are in my Prayer bowl.

  2. Praying for a miracle

  3. Praying, praying, praying!

  4. I’m so sorry to hear of this trial going on with your family!! So hard. Many prayers for you guys!! May The Lord Jesus Comfort you thru these difficult days. 🙏🙏🙏 Hugs.


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