Randall's Day #2


Just met with an Infections Specialist/Doctor. Answering LOTS of his questions. There is just a LOT of unknowns right now until we have the lab results. Some are being sent to University of Washington and part of the "wait time" is getting the cultures TO Seattle. Some are being tested HERE today and we hope for those answers soon. We could be dealing with an auto-immune situation, bone infection, or malignancy. We are still at Randall's and will possibly be going down for more imaging of Ezrah's Shoulder, Hip, and Right Leg this afternoon. Still hoping to go home today, but we just don't know. It's the "hurry up and wait" that one doctor referred to as "purgatory." (I couldn't agree more.)

Ezzie is a trooper through and through. Yesterday afternoon, she hadn't even been in the recovery room for 15 minutes before asking if all her siblings were ok at home. Gah. My heart. Then, she thanked Tony for being here with her. This girl, I tell ya. ALWAYS grateful. ALWAYS making sure everyone else is ok.

She IS enjoying ALLLL the screen time and has been INSISTENT on playing Nintendo with Aurora at home. Funny how they fight so much, but they can't STAND to be away from eachother. It's been hilarious to hear them "chat" via the wifi/gaming.

Last night was rough. The nurses have been great at staying on top of her pain, but, that also means they were in the room every hour dosing and getting vitals.

Tony and I...

I have finally eaten and kept it down. Sleep has been elusive since Thursday, but I'm trying. I don't want to leave Ezzie's side, and if I'm honest, I just want to scoop my family up and go to an ocean, and never leave. Life is too precious. Why do we need to do homeschooling? Is it THAT important? Both Tony and I go in phases of peace (or denial perhaps) that everything is going to be fine and ok...and then minutes later, I'm overcome with paralyzing fear. I had a dear friend message me this:

"Fear doesn't mean your FAITH isn't big enough. It's like when our kids are little and they're scared of monsters. It doesn't mean they don't love us or they think we can't or won't keep them safe. It just means they're scared." 

I'm scared. Until this is behind us, I will continue to be scared. And so, I hold space for both FAITH and FEAR.

Thank you again, our dear, precious village. We are doing this hour by hour because of you. Many of you are literally HOLDING us up. Bless.


  1. Hang in there Nelson family! Love will get you through this! Prayers for all of you!

  2. All prayers and positive thoughts going to your family…

  3. Pouring out prayers - He is by your side - luv you

  4. Amazingly, you were built for this sweet Becky. Stay strong, have faith ❤️you are surrounded by God's love.

  5. Hang in there! I'm praying for you all! What a blessing your sweet grateful girl is!

  6. Jenney from the blockSeptember 29, 2022 at 7:51 PM

    Sending you all so much love and healing vibes, my dear sweet fried💕

  7. ❤️❤️❤️ so much love to you and your family. She is blessed to be surrounded by such a village ❤️

  8. Continuing to send love and prayers your way and thank you for keeping us informed! 💜💜

  9. Becky, many prayers are being lifted up for you, Ezrah and your beautiful family. It is always difficult as a parent to see our children sick or in pain. My heart hurts with you. When I have "scared and fearful moments" I remember that God is with me. He promises to never leave me. He gives me the strength and the guidance, when I need it the most. He is so faithful. Please give Ezrah a hug from me. I miss her.

  10. Shes lucky to be blessed with such a strong village. Let God guide your steps. He is hearing our prayers. Your prayers . He will bring you through this journey


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