Feed the baby. Love the baby. Keep the baby alive.

We had a great check-in with Dr. Umberhandt today. (Orthopedic Surgeon) To summarize: we are in a "waiting and holding" pattern. Until we know more about how Ezrah's body is tolerating the medication, we simply hold the line. Or as Dr. Umberhandt says after EVERY visit, "Feed the baby. Love the Baby. Keep the baby alive. We'll do the rest." 

We MAY have to do a 2nd surgery down the road to "bone wash." But, again....that's looking down the road. We have to wait and see how her body responds to the bone portion that has died and see what this medication does to that bone and the area of most concern. Ezzie's body will guide us. (But, we need her to find and USE her often SHY voice.) Dr. Bob believes this has moved out of an "aggressive phase." 

The swelling she still has in her leg is normal. Her body is responding to the trauma of surgery. Yes, she still has a mass there, but if the medication does what it should, her body will automatically move it to other needed areas (as bone) in her body as she grows. This is GOOD. The hobbling/limping will be addressed further down as well. For now, we have some excercises to begin at home. It's impeccable the progress she's had even within the last few days. Thank you for praying!

Ezrah isn't officially "immunosuppressed," but her body IS FIGHTING this infection with everything it has, so we are being vigilant to not expose her to germs unnecessarily. (Thank you for being respectful of that if/when you see her.) The girls are still distraught about the kittens....not sure how we'll ever recover on that one. Pretty sure Ezzie thinks going to Harry Potter World will make up for it! (She even made a budget/itinerary for it in her schooling this week. Uh, Party of 8!)

Dr. Gilbert (Infectious Disease) called this morning as we were heading out to Randall's, so we didn't get to connect. We plan to check in with him soon. There have been a few side effects we want to be mindful of...primarily headaches. The infection CAN spread, and we pray against that, and against it going into the brain. This could just be a side effect.

So, for now, we wait and hold....and we continue to pray. So many pieces of this journey have been...waiting. waiting. waiting.  Odd since I have never ONCE prayed for patience. (insert courteous nose-laugh) As a team, there will be more imaging (MRI/x-rays) down the road, labs, and evaluating after every appointment for what the next step is. Today, there are two...

Today's step is: hold the line. 

Today's step is: Feed the baby. Love the baby. Keep the baby alive.

Thank you for loving on our baby...AND US. This HAS and will continue to take a village.


  1. All great news team Nelson! We will continue to pray and feed ❤️

  2. Praying for each step to move her forward in healing. Also when you get a chance you might see about connecting her to Make A Wish. They might be able to arrange that trip to Harry Potter World when she is less needing to worry about exposure. Something to think about.

  3. Love you ALL so very much!! Sending happy thoughts and lots of love ❤️

  4. All the prayers and hugs coming your way. Love you. xo

  5. Keep on keepin’ on mama!!!! So glad for the brighter news.

  6. Step by step with God at the helm! Continuing to lift you all up❤️🙏🏽

  7. Tony & Becky, it’s great news that Ezzie is making progress, I will lift her up to God in my prayers, God is so good ❤️ Love to all Joy Nunn

  8. So happy to hear of the good news that Ezrah is progressing well. Prayers and Love are amazing healers!!! Love to all! 💗 Lori Knight

  9. Praying and thinking of you all constantly!! Health and wholeness to her now and always!

  10. Sounds like you have an amazing orthopedic surgeon. Prayers for strength!


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