
Our appointment with Dr. Umberhandt on Thursday (10/6) was a simple re-dress of Ezrah's surgical sight. Her incision is GNARLY. She's glad to have the covering changed. 

*WE HAVE NO RESULTS YET FROM THE BIOPSY and are still waiting for the results from U of W and Mayo Clinic.*

What this feels like- My (Becky's) Analogy:

It feels like we are at a stand-still in the EYE of a hurricane. Everything is on pause. Will we be swept away in an upheaval, completely displaced or will we be spared?

It feels like holding your breath. 

It feels like you can't take a DEEP, cleansing breath when you actually CAN breathe. 

It feels like you've hit the biggest DROP on a roller coaster and your stomach has taken up residence in your toes.

Dramatic? Perhaps. But, that's how I feel.

Ezrah is doing great. She has ZERO pain in ANY other bones/joints. THIS is HUGE. Her appetite is still not 100%. We'd love to see that improve!

She has not needed ANY pain medicine for over 48 hours. And she says she's just REALLY itchy (incision sight.) 

WHAT DO WE NEED? We still don't really know. I'm sorry. I know that is frustrating for those asking.

We need prayers. We need answers. We need peace. And we need to know the path to get Ezrah well. Waiting is hard.

Thank you for the donations, the cards, the gifts, the meals. Our entire family has felt so loved. Today we celebrate Aurora turning 10. (Aurora is the 2nd picture.) We are going to venture out today...which we DESPERATELY need. Air and normalcy. But it is so very taxing on Ezzie...and me. "Normalcy" feels weird now. New. Different. 

As always...when we know...you'll know.

Thanks for being our people.


  1. Love and prayers your way .

  2. Dear sweet niece, God has given you the tools, trust him. ❤️ Aunt Kathy

  3. Prayers continuing for Ezrah (eat up girl!) and the entire family.

    And a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to beautiful Aurora!!! I hope all of your wishes come true!

  4. Keeping open and loving thoughts for a fast and happy resolve for Ezrah.

  5. Prayers for peace that passes all understanding ❤️

  6. We are all behind you as we wait here as your teachers to hear the results. We pray for peace and comfort through these tough times! Happy Birthday Aurora!


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