Emergency Room Sunday

Our Sunday morning has been spent with about 73 other Portlandians in the Emergency Room at Randall's Children's Hospital. (Not where we wanted to be. Eww.) But, yesterday, Ezrah started breaking out with a rash covering her entire body and this morning her lips and face were swollen and covered in BIG, red blotches. So, in we went to the ER. We ain't messin' around!

The doctors aren't 100% sure if this is an allergic reaction to her medication, which apparently CAN happen in week 4, OR something viral that her body is fighting. Again, our little anomaly has everyone scratching their heads...and her scratching literally everywhere!

Because her white blood cells were low on Tuesday, they did another full panel of bloodwork today. (She HATES needles at this point. But, today's nurse was great at listening for EZRAH'S voice, even if it took a bit to find.)

So...we are switching medications to treat the bone infection. Waiting. Waiting. We are praying she doesn't have a reaction to the new meds and that we can try to get her comfortable. She's bought herself another night of sleeping in mom and dad's room!


  1. I’m so sorry. I wish, wish, wish I could just make it all right for each of you❤️

  2. Poor Sweet Ezzie. Sending up prayers for the great healer to calm down her immune response so she gets some itching relief, that she feels the peace of God when she has to face the unpleasantness that is often the preface to healing, and that her cup of comfort is filled to abundance in your room under the close watch of mom and dad and the perpetual great hand of our Father. I love you guys more than you know and I am here in this space of waiting alongside you helping to hold your hands up to Him who can.

  3. Sending love and prayers πŸ’œπŸ™

  4. Goodness ! We are praying for her . Praying for solid answers!

  5. You did good, momma…praying that God continues to give you what you need. He’s never early…or late.

  6. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  7. Poor little thing. Prayers for all.

  8. Lifting up prayers of relief and answers for sweet little Ezrah and for you too!!!!


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