It was a quiet week...until it wasn't


This journey has often felt like two steps forward, one step back. Ezrah has started developing another allergic reaction to her 2nd medication. So, for now, we are stopping ALL medication until we can come to a consensus with her team on Plan C.

The flip side is that her x-ray today showed that the medicine is doing what it is supposed to do. Her bone is repairing and the mass is going away. Her x-ray looked like a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT tibia. The "moth-like holes" have begun to fill in and you could SEE that her bone density has gotten thicker. Her gait has improved greatly and Dr. Bob is encouraging her to bear weight and MOVE because that will help the bone heal. "Bones are meant to bear weight."

Plan C for Dr. Bob would be to go in surgically and create a "hole" filled with an antibiotic, covered in a type of "cement" that slowly seeps into the bone. However, it would require a 3rd surgery IF she had an allergic reaction and had to have it removed.

Again, we're in another "holding pattern" as the team congregates to decide how to best get these medications to agree with Ezzie. (Apparently, Ez is a bit of an anomaly. Dr. Gilbert has never had a kiddo react to 2 different antibiotics and apparently these are the 2 go-to's for bone infections. )

Prayer Requests:

1. Ezrah is incredibly itchy and uncomfortable. We need this rash to subside. And for her to be able to actually SLEEP at night. MOST days she sleeps in until 10am, so we KNOW her body craves REST.

2. We need a PLAN. Ez isn't yet cleared to be off the antibiotics entirely.

3. Still working on appetite. We often have to remind/nudge her to eat.

4. She does still have weakness in her hips and pelvis, to be expected, but if we can get her walking consistently, it should help.


*MEDS ARE WORKING and the BONE IS HEALING! We are CLAPPING and JUMPING the moon over this!

*Ezrah is walking more and taking more "risks" on her leg. Dr. Bob was very pleased with her progress today! 


  1. It’s great to hear the good news! Hopefully a solution will be found soon for the antibiotics allergic reaction πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  2. Praise the Lord for the good news about her bone healing. Will pray that they can find the right meds that will agree with her while she is still healing.

  3. Eat, eat? Get strong and show that bone who is boss❤️TL

  4. Plenty of good news. Prayers for her continued recovery, and relief.

  5. Praying for a miracle, especially for relief from reactions to medication. Praying for peace within for you and Tony as Ezra’s struggles are so difficult to endure. Jesus intercede in our prayers for Ezra! Jesus be the comfort this family needs right now!
    “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemy before you saying, destroy him!”
    Deuteronomy 33:27.

  6. I hadn't checked in for a while. Glad to see all the good going on. You got this E JOY!!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving week of family love.


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