CT Scan Results (2/16)

The three of us (T, B, E) plus LUNA LOVEGOOD loaded up for the trek to Randall's to visit Doctor Bob and go over Ezrah's CT Scan from Tuesday. As you can see, Ezrah did better with her pup by her side. (You could SEE her smile under her mask!) Luna was a hit and did AWESOME. Dr. Bob loved meeting her and Ezrah honestly seemed so much more at ease. It amazes me what this dog has done for all of us! Dr. Bob DID see something in the scan and he believes that Ezrah has an Osteoid Osteoma. (This was the moment I started sweating and needed Luna!) Here's the thing: The symptoms match. The pain level matches. The bone SHOWS *something* there outside of the portion he removed during surgery and it's textbook. He had a 2nd set of eyes confirm what he saw, and we are being referred for further treatment. Treatment has 2 options: 1. We treat with a non-steroidal drug nightly. (Advisl or Naprosyn) Essentially we try to tackle this at home on our own. 2. Ezrah has an ablation of th...