Back to Orthopedics on Friday

*I found this older pic of Ezzie while scrolling and looking for a picture to share, and gah, it just sums up my girl. Always joyful. Caring and loving to others. Her smile has always been contagious. Her middle name is JOY and she is her namesake. Ezrah JOY. Her sparkle has dulled though. These last 5 months have been hard, and these last 6 weeks, since her first medical reaction, I've seen the first signs of weariness. Exhaustion. She's tired of it alllll. Who can blame her?

With's the latest:

Ezrah saw the Opthamalogist last Friday for the Uveitis that occurred the previous weekend. On FRIDAY, she had ZERO signs of lingering inflammation in her eyes, so we were basically told to go home and call the on-call Opthamalogist before doing ANY at home treatments if it happens again. (Since this has occurred intermittently since 2020, I've had drops on hand (her prescription from 2020) that always nip it at the first sign.) Dr. Olsen was incredibly kind and understanding and listened and asked question about Ezrah's story. (Even caring to know more about Luna Lovegood.) The allergist on Thursday was nothing more than a conversation about what to do. Test for autoimmune? Maybe. We got nowhere. She wants to talk with Infectious Disease, which honestly, should've been done before wasting everyone's time. Tony had to take a day off work for something that turned out to be completely unnecessary and could've been handled with a simple phone call.

BUT....and this is where we GRACIOUSLY ask for prayer. Ezrah is starting to have significant leg pain again. (Same leg, lower down) She's limping, waking up crying throughout the night and struggling with simply walking. For weeks I have wanted to say it's just because she's been more active with Luna Lovegood. Afterall, she had been so sedentary before. But, my mom-gut says otherwise. I have SO much guilt for waiting so long last time. For assuming she was just experiencing growing pains like I had as a kid. But, on the other hand...I don't want to be the parent that FLIPS THE LID with every sniffle, snuffle, or ache. I mean, we've been around this block. We were sooooo holistic and crunchy before it all hit the fan. I'm grateful for western medicine and brilliant doctors that LITERALLY saved her leg. But, this is all so much....and feels all too familiar. And, our girl is hurting.

Rheumatology has us scheduled for April. Like last time, Ezrah has ZERO other signs that would point this to an auto-immune disease. Our little anomaly. But, we know what to look for and be mindful of. The auto-immune that links Uveitis and "other" things is nothing short of devastating...and Dear God I pray that is not the path that is lining up for Ezrah. It would literally be life changing for her.

The bottom line is this level of inflammation isn't normal and she's in pain. Constantly. 

Prayer Requests:

*Dr. Bob (Orthopedic Doctor at Randalls) pulled amazing strings and he's seeing Ezrah on Friday morning.  My best guess is he will request another image, maybe MRI. I'm sure it goes without saying...but, a miracle would be another "all-clear." But...our questions remain....why so much pain and random inflammation in various body parts? WHAT are we missing and what else could this be affecting?

I'll update when we know.


 And sunshine. Lord, we need sunshine. 

This is hard.


  1. My goodness, this is relentless for Ezrah and of course you guys and the whole family. I so hope you get some answers soon. Love to everyone 😘

  2. Oh….Becks….I’m sorry! Hope all news is good news and it’s just simple growing pains! I’ll be thinking about you all. Miss your sunshine on the courts—Heidi

  3. I’m so sorry you are going through this again. Sending love and prayers your way. You’ve got this- you are one strong and amazing mom!

  4. How frightening! This broke my heart. Keep praying and ask for answers. For the doctors to be knowledgeable and search every possible reason for the reoccurring symptoms. Our family is praying for you. Doctor Bob sounds amazing.

  5. I’m praying for Ezrah and your whole family. I pray your Daughter is healed and healthy. Big hugs and love to your family.


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