Day 10 & 11 & 12

4/8/23 6PM

Not much has changed since yesterday, so I don't have a big update. Tony's stable.
His pain level was the best today thus far. However, he is staying on top of pain meds and not letting it get out of control. He still is not able to eat by mouth. He's 100% nourished by the feeding tube. 
They don't want to expose Tony unnecessarily to more radiation, so they have not checked if more of the pancreas has necrotized. His pain level will be their guide and his various labs that are continuously ALL OVER THE PLACE.
There is no plan to drain his lungs or the extra fluid that's surrounding his organs. It's truly "wait and watch" at this point. 
They're watching his other organs, his lung and, of course, the pancreas. He has developed a rash on his back, and they're not sure if it's a heat rash or reaction to the antibiotics. (Which are being administered for any infection.)
He's working on more "laps" to help his lungs and risk of blood clots. And he's continuing his breathing treatments.
We're so tired. All of us.

I got to go and visit sweet LUNA today, and it was exactly what my heart needed. She's made the sweetest puppy friends. 🐶  She's happy and being spoiled, and that is all I hoped for. We miss her so much. 

The Go Fund Me is still in the works. I am meeting with someone on Monday to chat about WA Paid Medical Leave. The hiccup I think we have is that Tony is a commissioned employee, not salary. So, no work=no paycheck. I hope to have more answers on Monday and would greatly appreciate prayer and favor over it all. 

*Tony has still requested no visitors.*

Thank you for loving on us. 💜
Day #13 tomorrow, on Easter. 

4/7/23 @ 5:00PM

A Go Fund Me is in the process of being organized. Thank you for encouraging us in this. Thank you to those who've already sent Venmo or Cash. I never thought we'd be on the other end of one of these, but here we are.
Today is Hosptial Day #11.

The Bad:
*Tony's lung is still partially collapsed.
*His pain is still high-ish despite the pain medication.
*His pancreas is necrotizing. 
*He has significant swelling in his mid-section where the fluids are starting to collect. (However, at this time, they are not going to attempt to drain it.)
*He has a small amount of fluid around his lungs. (although not significant enough to drain.)
*He is getting nutrition (100%) through the feeding tube. (He's doing ice and water minimally)
*He's still on an antibiotic, and they're watching for infection. OR his other organs becoming affected.
*His labs are wonk-a-doo as usual.

*He's up to 12 "laps" a day.
*He is sleeping less and generally more alert.
*The hallucinations have mostly stopped.
*There is no blood-clots of concern at this time.

Today was a relatively boring day. We met a new doc as others are now on their "off" days. Tony's got a pretty big team managing everything. It's been good and daunting to say the least. Different perspectives can be good, and maddening at the same time.

Just a short update today from me. I'm tired.
I'll update again tomorrow. Thank you for praying. It looks like Tony's not going anywhere for a while. 


4/6/23 @5:00pm

Thank God for a boring day with Tony!

His pain is the lowest it has been since 3/28, but it is still there. He is now on the feeding tube exclusively as even Gatorade was starting to bring on some pain. It's amazing how much better he looks now that he has SOME nutrition in his system. They are cautiously treating for an infection because his white blood cells have been so wonk-a-doo, so for now, the antibiotics will continue via IV as they monitor that.

He still has a partial collapsed lung, but he's  continuing the breathing treatment and walking laps to try and help. We will meet with Pulmonary Docs today to make sure there's no signs of pneumonia and see if anything further needs to be done. He's walked the most today in TEN DAYS. (He still doesn't want to race me, and doggone it, this is the first time I'd actually WIN!)

The ultrasound showed no blood clots. PRAISE

As for the necrotizing pancreas. This is something they're watching VERY closely to make sure other organs aren't affected and to see if the necrotizing continues to spread. So far, Tony has avoided any surgeries, but there is a LOT of fluid build-up and signs of edema in his mid section. Some of Tony's "issues" require fluids, and some of his other "issues" require a DECREASE in fluids. It's a catch-22, so they're trying to find a compromise to treat ALL OF THE THINGS. The main concern is what his pancreas is going to do, and of course, his lungs.

It's all been day by day, hour by hour. Like I've said, Tony is looking up Everest.

As of this morning, my sweet Luna is with a dear trainer in Camas. I 100% believe that the way Nancie came into our story was a God-thing. (The family that organized this for us deserves an abundance of accolades.) I cried, taking her. I cried there. And I cried the entire way to the hospital. But Luna is making friends. (I've already received a video that I've watched MULTIPLE times), and she's where she needs to be. It's going to be INCREDIBLY hard going home tonight, and Luna not being there to greet me. *more tears* I may just have to get her a pup cup, after all. 😂

The kids are doing as well as can be expected. The girls have had a slumber party in my room the last few nights, and I've got a date with a certain little lady (Ezzie) to catch up on The Mandalorian tonight. 

We sure appreciate the prayers, the meals, the check-ins, the donations. Everything. I may ask for some help with the girls next week (since I think we will probably still be here.) I know they would love to play at a park, or go see the new MARIO, or something to distract them and get them out of the house. I'm CERTAIN they won't be doing much school work!

Please continue to pray for "boring."" 

*And for now, we respectfully ask for no visitors*


  1. Praying for continuing answers and healing.

  2. Sounds more positive, little steps. yes.

  3. Sounds positive Becky. Love the “baby steps”❣️TL

  4. Baby steps & prayers continue ❤️

  5. Lord, please heal Tony and strengthen him. Comfort and sustain and provide for their family. You see, you know…Amen.


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