Day 15 & 16

4/12/23 3:30pm

Dr. Cymorek, the gastroenterologist (who is PHENOMENAL), put a ka-botch on Tony starting clears today because he feels he's just not there yet. He'd like to see him have ONE more day of minimal pain before starting to supplement his feeding tube. Personally, I like his conservative approach. Other docs have wanted to "push" the eating process, but it has ALWAYS set Tony back. ALWAYS. 

Tony's weak. He has very little energy and is so very tired. I made him play Farkle with me today, AND keep the score. (*cough* I let him win *cough*) It took everything out of him, and he needed a nap right away. He's got a long way to go to get back to his "fighting weight." Dr. Cymorek is going to send PT in today to see if he can start some exercises in here (although limited by the tubes/IV pole). 

He has completely weaned off alllll pain medicine, and they did finally take him off IV fluids as he IS able to tolerate water. If all systems are "go," he will start clears tomorrow.

I'm blown away by the Give Send Go. I choke up every time I see it. Every. Single. Time. Thank you for loving on us so boldly. I can not predict what bills are coming down the pipeline, and I don't want to walk in fear. I just can't. But what peace it is to know it will all be ok. I just want my husband back. Healthy. Strong. Like, I've said, this has changed all of us. Life is precious. Go, hug your people. You just NEVER know.
The link for our Give Send Go, where you do NOT have to donate, but can post prayers also is:

We are humbled. And grateful. 🙏 


4/11/23 5:30PM

Tony had a better day today. He did laps AND tabletop PUSH-UPS! (No, I did not make him.) His numbers continue to trend for the better, although his Lipase number and platelets are still relatively high. It sounds like the team is leaning towards starting clear liquids tomorrow (broth, tea, Gatorade) and seeing how he tolerates them. Again, the goal will be to eventually reduce the need for pain medication and wean off the feeding tube and onto soft foods.

The gastroenterologist is recommending that Tony have his gallbladder removed in a few weeks. They believe this flare was "idiopathic," meaning they can NOT find a reason for it to have happened in the first place. But, because of the severity, having the gallbladder removed would eradicate the possibility of stones or "sludge," causing a flare in the future. They also want him to have another CT scan in several weeks (after discharge) to see if the pancreas HAS developed a pseudo cyst that needs to be drained. They do not want to do the surgery NOW while he's in a flare-up. Personally, I think he physically needs to recover from THIS before going under. He is simply too weak. It feels too risky.

It feels like things are settling down, but I know that Tony is TERRIFIED of having ANY form of food. And we have to have some real discussions about what to do going forward. We still don't have a discharge date. We need better numbers with his labs and pain control. Everything is dependent on how his body responds. This is where your prayers meet the road. We want him home. He wants to be home. But, we need his body to respond positively. Tomorrow will be a BIG day. We COVET the prayers.


  1. High quality bone broth would be so good for his gut. Maybe ask doc about that for going home . Was used in the old fashion days for many illnesses.

    1. I second this! If he could get it in the hospital that would be really great. High in protein too….so I’m not sure that’s desired at this point, but if they do want him to start getting protein, that’s the easiest to digest.

  2. So happy to hear positive news! ☺️ prayers for you all!

  3. Prayers for you and Tony and Ezzie. And all your children to have strength and for all of this to be soon just a memory and prayers for you to keep going and for a great night sleep sooner rather than later.

  4. I appreciate the updates. I read them every day as I continue to pray for Tony and your whole family.
    Chuck Stewart

  5. We are so happy to hear Tony had a better day today. Still praying for him to heal up sooner.

  6. Praying and I love that the word “discharge” is part of this post!!

  7. I’ll help when I get home!John D

  8. So happy to hear about positive developments🙏Keep on fighting and staying strong. Sending prayers and good vibes your way.


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