Day 22 & 23

4/19/23 @6:00pm
Day #23

Quiet day today. Tony got good, restful sleep last night, and started some light physical therapy today. 
Pain and Nausea are still there but managed enough that he could do some walking today. It's not without max effort on his part.

CT Scan is tomorrow. If all systems are a "go" and it's the SAFEST possible scenario, the team will do the draining either Friday, Monday, or Tuesday.


4/18/23 @8:00pm

Day 22

Today was another not-so-great day. Tony's nausea is at its highest, which also increases the pain. Although the pain is better managed, the nausea isn't. We’re over here taking some deep breaths of Peppermint & AromaEase essential oils, which are also helping to expand his lungs. The nurses actually have these little oil filled tags you can attach to the gown. We're doing whatever we can to control it.

GI has ordered the CT scan on Thursday with HOPES to do the drainage procedure endoscopically on Friday. LOTS of things need to fall into place, but primarily, we need those "pockets" to have calloused over enough that if THAT is where the infection is, it can't leak into his body when they go in. Like I've said, the CT will be the tell-all to know EXACTLY what we are dealing with.

Tony's white blood cells are coming down, but the Red Blood Cells are now showing off, which can indicate bleeding. Thankfully, he's not showing any signs of that. But, he's being monitored. They are going to stop the Heparin and switch to Lovanox shots for the clots. 

The feeding tube is on and PUMPING. Praise the Lord! And antibiotics are still on tap. 

He's weak. He's lost so much weight and muscle mass. He's walking when he can, but he's sleeping a LOT too. 

He said to me today, "This is the longest time I've ever not taught tennis since 2000." But, in true Tony fashion, he's got a nurse and a doctor coming in to VTC soon for lessons. (I was instructed to bring business cards and fresh undies today). 

We are thankful for your prayers. For help with our GoSendMe. For the delicious meals and Door Dash gifts. For those helping with the kids. What a beautiful community we're surrounded by. It's indescribable. 

I do want to add:

*Ezrah has had ZERO flare-ups or pains since we've been here. HALLELUJAH!

He hears our prayers.

Many have asked about me and the kids... and how we're doing. Perhaps one of these days, I'll write more on "us" in an update, but can I just ask that you pray for us, too? I'm sure you can imagine how hard this is on ALL of us. But, truthfully, I just want Tony HEALED. I want him HOME. He's the prayer focus. 

We believe it will happen. 

By HIS wounds, we are healed.


  1. Still praying and sending hugs .. Susan, your YL friend

  2. Sending love and Prayers ❤️

  3. ❤️❤️❤️ and everyone is willing to wait for Tony’s return. He is truly missed by all. ❤️

  4. We are praying everyday for Tony and you and the family! My mom has also added Tony and family to her prayer group at church/bible study. Your family is in our prayer chain and in our hearts! Thank you for the updates.


  5. Praying, praying and still praying for all of you. ❤️ God has and will continue to supply your needs. Praise the Lord Ezrah’s pain has not flared up.


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