Day 24

*This is Tony. Healthy Tony. THIS is who we are praying for. *


4/20/23 4:30pm

Day 24

The CT scan showed that Tony is a good candidate to begin the draining tomorrow. However, things have changed. He now has a 4th pocket of fluid much lower in the abdomen that will require a drain through the abdomen wall itself. Also, initially, they were hopeful that they could go in through the stomach with one stint. It now appears the collections have grown slightly in size but have separated. Therefore, a 2nd stint will be placed. (Both stints will be placed through the stomach lining.) They will drain and remove as much of the dead tissue as possible and culture it. And then, it's VERY likely that the team will have to go BACK in endoscopically three days later to drain and collect again. There is a chance they will have to go in multiple times. The stints will remain in for a few weeks, and then we will have to come back to have them removed in an outpatient setting.

This is a complex situation. Interventional Radiology (IR) is involved in placing the outer drain, and the doctors will ALL review the CT again individually to make sure EVERYONE is on board.

GI is confident that the risk for the infection spreading is low, and they've continued IV antibiotics since we've been here. 

I think it goes without saying that we REALLY covet prayers right now, but ESPECIALLY tomorrow. This procedure (like any) is not without risks. And again, there's so many variables in the air. We know that Tony is where he needs to be, but, gosh, we sure want him home. "Hospital Time" is a weird thing. We tend to lose track of the days and times. Sleep is elusive. And right now, there's no end in sight. His home-bed feels a long way away.

Would you pray we have AMAZING nurses tomorrow? We are in awe of how hard they work, and most have been phenomenal. They are true HEROES, and we have so much respect for them. But, we've had a particular nurse here that has been really keen on complaining about her job, and even as far as making comments to Tony like, "we'll, you don't LOOK like you're in pain." We just want someone who loves caring for others. One who nurtures, supports, and SPEAKS LIFE. 

Pray for the doctors. GI, IR, and the surgery squad.

Pray for Tony's body to respond positively. We claim HEALING. 100%.

Please pray we can ALL sleep tonight and get solid rest.

I know I've missed messages as I'm holding down both phones. (Mine & Tony's) Please know I'm grateful and encouraged by each and every one. I read every single message and comment.

It's all systems "GO."

All hands on deck.

When I know the specific time he's heading into the operating room tomorrow, I will try to update. 

As always. Thank you for being IN the battle, ON your knees with us, THROUGH prayer. 

Our family Motto is: "Nelsons Never Quit"

Tony's got his armor on for battle. We fight.



  1. This sounds likely a step forward to his healing. Praying for Tony, you & the kids & for a God appointed staff to care for your partner in life❤️

  2. You don’t k ow me . I’m a friend of Eric’s. You both look like such a lovely couple of souls and I’m praying for the Nurses’s , Doctors , Tony, you and all of the family. It sounds like such an ugly thing to go through but your mind is staying strong and positive which is very powerful. Praying for Gods provision and Glory in this time.

  3. On our knees
    Team Nelson

  4. Prayers 💕 always appreciate your updates 🙏

  5. I pray all things have been preparing for tomorrow so everything is in place to win this battle. May tomorrow bring complete victory and tremendous forward progress. Our God is mighty in power. This is not too much for Him. We claim all the power of the resurrection over this fight and breaking of all things that have been holding Tony back from complete healing and restoration. The enemy has no more power here - in Jesus’s name, His will be done.

  6. This feels like progress. So hopeful

  7. Thank you for sharing your journey with us and I want you to know I do pray for him every morning. His name is written in my prayer journal many times.🙏

  8. Prayers for complete healing!!!

  9. Praying for healing, for comfort, for loving souls all around and Jesus be near!!!!

  10. You all got this❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕

  11. Let's all pray that Jesus guides the entire procedure and Heals Tony inside.

  12. Forward you go....Sounds like good news! Fingers crossed, prayers in place!

  13. Go Team Nelson! Stay strong! Abundant prayers everyday for you all. 🙏

  14. Praying Becky!!! Praying before bed right now for Tony’s team tomorrow to be the A-Team!! God is always the lead! May you stay strong in this battle!

  15. Please Jesus keep Tony in your loving hands and let him and his family know that nothing can separate us from the love of God in this difficult time.


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