Day 27 & 28

4/24 @9PM
Day 28

Tony went down with Interventional Radiology at 1pm to fix the pseudoaneurysm. He was down there for 8 and a half hours. I don't have a lot of info right now, other than they treated the pseudoaneurysm and also placed a stint. 
He's in a lot of pain, and the nausea just will not let up. We are finally settled at 9:20pm.

He is supposed to go in tomorrow around 12pm for another drain with GI. He does go completely under anesthesia for that, and we'd love prayer. 
This is just a LOT. Unrelenting pain for 28 days is taking a toll. We need prayer warriors. 


4/23 @ 7pm

Day 27

*CT from this afternoon found a pseudo aneurysm on his spleen. He is going down ASAP to Interventional Radiology to have coils placed so it doesn't burst and cause internal bleeding. 

*edit* 9pm Because he has blood thinners in his system from this morning, they are holding off and will go in early morning when it is safer to do so.

(This was today's update. I typed most of it earlier.)

Tony is REALLY struggling. After Friday's procedure, he went from one pain to another. He has slept SO much the last two days, and he is weary. He's tired of hurting, and he genuinely feels awful overall.

Physically, he's the frailest I've EVER seen him.

Mentally, he's struggling by far the most I've EVER seen him also. I brought flowers today and hung up more cards and signs in hopes of bringing some cheer to the confines of his room. When I rub his back, I can feel his shoulder blades protruding. His calves are sickly, and the compressions wrap around so far now.

On paper, things look great. Vitals are good and stable. Clinically, though, he's severely sick. He had a CT today to make sure all the drains and stints are placed correctly, this is where they located the pseudoaneurysm. He threw up today, and the fluid resembled what is coming from the drain. It's quite possible that some of that is leaking into his stomach. He's nauseous all. the. time. Infected fluid in your stomach WOULD make anyone feel horrible. 

We'd hoped that he'd be feeling better by now, not worse. 

Yesterday, they were able to drain one liter of fluid that was surrounding his lung.

It feels like he just can't catch a break.

We are in the war.

Please, PLEASE pray for this procedure he is going down tonight for. They should be coming any minute. 



  1. So SO MANY strong prayers dear Becky. Prayers for strength, for peace which passes ALL understanding, for the hands and hearts of the health care team, and prayers for an AMAZING quick turnaround and return to HEALTH!

    1. Dear family, please know how much you are being lifted up in prayer, ALL of you!!!

  2. Lord Jesus please help Tony. Your precious son 💙.

  3. So many steps. So so sorry. We are here with you. Jesus please heal Tony.

  4. Praying constantly & looking for your updates! Love & prayers surround your family!

  5. Prayers going up and continuing! Lord, be with the Drs and those helping Tony. Strength and healing for Tony as he continues to fight this battle and comfort and strength for Becky.

  6. Lord we believe and trust you can do miracles and we ask for a miracle on Tony’s behalf. Thank you Jesus-Amen

  7. Prayers for your entire family and especially Tony's health to return soon. He is in good hands at OHSU, they will provide the best care.

  8. Jesus Jesus you are king, we ask father for your presence and wisdom for the Dre. Do what only you can do Jesus.

  9. God we call upon your mighty authority and declare healing in the name of Jesus over Tony right now. Let him be healed.

  10. My heart hurts for you, Tony and your family. This is a major battle. Praying for all of you that" ALL things work together for good to them that love God" Romans 8:28 May God's peace and love surround you all.

  11. We see you and your amazing crew and we are praying. We love you Becky.

  12. Hang in there Nelson Fam!!! We are pulling for you!! Hp ❤️❤️

  13. Continuing to pray daily, throughout the day, for miraculous strength and complete healing. Our Lord is in full control and He is more powerful than any attack the enemy can attempt. Cling to Him. He loves you, Tony and your family more than we can imagine.

  14. Saint Michael The ArchAngel, protect our Dear Friend, Tony. Give him courage and strength. Slay the darkness and shine your light. Heavenly Father, great Physician and Healer, on this day may the tides of despair turn and inch by inch you lead Tony to victory over this illness. Mother Mary, comfort Tony's family and bring them unstoppable faith.

  15. Lord Jesus, You know exactly what Tony needs so we ask in Jesus name that You guide the doctors in Your wisdom. Bring joy in the midst of pain & deep trust in you Jesus. Lift Tony & Becky’s spirits & bring Your Light into this space. Protect Tony as he goes in for another treatment; provide him Your strength & perseverance. Thank you Jesus, Amen

  16. I'm praying and standing on the promises of God for Tony and you. Lord, please be Tony's and Becky's Refuge and Strength during this very trying time. Please give Tony complete healing and rest. I pray in Jesus's Name, Amen.

  17. Everytime I pray for him what comes up is deliverance. Praying God reveals if there's a spirit of infirmity or any hidden unforgiveness as this can open the door to demonic influence. these will need to be cast out. Praying God reveal if this is the case and for total freedom and healing🙏


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