Day 31 & 32

4/28 @ 5pm
Day 32

The upswing continues!
Y'all. Tony ate an egg, 1/2 a sandwich, and some steamed veggies today. We also got to meet with the dietician to set a plan in place for what nutrition will look like at home. HOME!

I took him outside again for some natural Vitamin D, and he was able to walk a few laps this afternoon. 

Some things are still up in the air based on Tony's labs. So, we don't know exactly when he'll be discharged or if he'll still have the feeding tube, PICC, and IR drain upon discharge. Many things are dependent on what the CT scan on Sunday shows. But, he's staying in place at least for another few days. There is still a chance they'll need to go in and drain again.

We also met with the occupational therapist to see what accommodations we might need at home so he can get around and maneuver safely. I truly think he'll be ok. It's just gonna take time to regain the weight and muscle. He still tires VERY easily. (Against his wishes, I did order a shower stool cause Nurse Nelson thinks he's a bit unsteady and Nurse Nelson is always right). 

Aside from the medications he will need to be on for several months, it's sounding like he will have to have a procedure to remove the outer drain, and another in a few weeks to remove the stints. They want to closely monitor the blood clots and stint placement through imaging in a few months.

I ran into some "red tape" on his paid medical leave application. I could really use prayer there. While he's unable to work, that would be a HUGE help to us. It looks like I have to jump through a few of their hoops and get some more doctor's notes for approval. 

Please keep praying. Yes, we are all so anxious to have him home... we just want to be sure that when we leave, it's safe to do so. We don't want to feel like we're being pushed out, only to end up back here days later. We also need prayers through this recovery and comeback.
Physically. Financially. Emotionally.

Our hearts are full of so much hope, and gratitude. 


4/27/23 @6pm

DAY #31

We met with the gastroenterologist, the surgeon, infectious disease, and the hospitalist this morning, and EVERYONE is chomping at the bit for Tony's upswing. He does feel better. However, there is a bit of referred pain in the lower pelvic region, which they believe will relent in the next few days. (We hope so, because, it's significant.) We're in a holding pattern of wait and see right now, and they believe the pain is from the fluid near the pelvis where the outer drain is placed. Vitals are good, and he's holding steady and stable. He's needed ZERO pain medication!

Yesterday, the surgeon placed an additional stint in and was able to conjoin the third and final cyst/fluid collection into one continual flow. It should be eliminated (the infected fluid) in the next few days. An additional CT scan will be ordered to confirm this. (And yes, I'm sure you're wondering, he's recruited his surgeon to pursue more tennis as he told Tony he and his wife just recently started playing).

Eat. Sleep. Breathe. Tennis.

Tony's been able to eat a few strawberries, a grape, a tiny bit of naked juice, and some Gatorade. His says his stomach feels "weird." (Keep in mind, he's had NOTHING in it for a month.) But, there's no pain and no nausea at the moment. He is just taking it VERY slow. He will have the feeding tube until he can eat enough caloric solids by mouth. 

ALL the doctors keep saying this is just a SLOW process. And recovery is going to also be a slow process. He's not going to feel "100%" again for months. His advantage is that he's young and otherwise healthy. The PICC line, feeding tube, and outer drain will be in place for at least another 2 weeks. (He may be able to come home with them. This means I'll be ordering scrubs for Nurse Nelson in purple. I have literally done it all here, including getting to don gloves and help with some dressing changes last night with the pros. I'm official, just without a badge.) In all seriousness, there is a good chance I will be administering antibiotics through his PICC at home. The infection is still there, and they're not messing around with it.

The stints will need to be surgically removed in 3 weeks. (Hopefully, outpatient, meaning: we will get him HOME before then) The stint placed in the artery for the aneurysm will stay permanently, and he will remain on blood thinners for a while. (Meeting with hematology tomorrow.)

This afternoon, I got to break him out of the B&B and sit on the sky bridge. Admittedly, I had a lump in my throat the entire time. There were dark, dark days where I didn't think that would've been possible. (More on that later, as I've been writing and documenting the musings in my head.) His first breath of fresh air in 31 days. And all three mountains showed up for us. (Mt. Adams, Mt. St. Helen's and Mt. Hood.) Surely, this will be a healing balm to his lungs, his mind, and his soul. The Lord gave us sunshine today, and we weren't about to waste it! Let the upswing continue, YES, Lord!


  1. Becky, You have always been and continue to be the best CEO in all of the land...Chief Encouragement Officer! May the upswing continue for each of you and especially Tony. We all are so glad you both were able to get into the sunlight together. Love you!

  2. Following every day. My church prayer chain has been praying daily. Hope to see you on the courts as soon as possible.

  3. So happy to hear a little sunshine from you! All good news sweets! Onward to full recovery! Hp ☀️

  4. This is so good to hear! Some real progress in the right direction even if only baby steps. I pray each tiny step only goes forward from here. Slow forward is better than any backward. May God’s healing be perfect even if His timing is hard. May your souls rejoice in the small victories until the larger one comes into view. May you cling to the belief that one day this will all be in your rear view mirror. I pray for protection of your hearts and minds and peace until that day.

  5. Oh this is the best thing I’ve read in a long time! ❤️🙏 more prayers for more of these days!

  6. This morning at 3 am I woke up and you and Tony were on my heart. So I prayed! Thank you for opening your precious heart to share your struggles. I am blessed to have this opportunity to come alongside other prayer warriors to lift your family. A little good news is so encouraging to hear. You are a great example of how a believer endures the unimaginable…I am inspired.

  7. Amen!!! Team Nelson makes anything possible. 💜

  8. I am so incredibly grateful for this positive movement! The fact that he is eating actual food without pain is incredible! Praying for continued progress for Tony. I know recovery may be a slow process but I’m so thankful you are getting to breath just a little easier and that Tony got some actual fresh air! Love you both so very much!

  9. Becky, You and Tony are warriors. Keep fighting the good fight and I am going to keep praying. Hugs and prayers for you and your family. I only see good things to come. ❤️ I bet the sunshine felt wonderful.

  10. LORD, thank you for Tony and Becky's increasing faith. What a gift! Bless them with Grace, Grace and more Grace as they push through this valley. Help them, LORD to call on Your beautiful Name. Peace to Tony's body and mind, and Peace to you Becky!

  11. This ihas truly been an answer to
    Prayer as every day we unite our prayers with each other 🙏God hears us and will take care of everything! God Bless you and Your Family

  12. Oh this was so good to see him in the sun and all the positive news you’ve shared- always checking daily and praying every day !

  13. Wow, that's the best news you folks have had in a long time. Definitely a "Thank you Jesus!" day. Rejoicing with you and continuing to pray frequently throughout the day. I have also shared your needs with my community group from my church. More and more believers praying.

  14. So incredibly thrilled to hear this news!!! Praising God for this encouragement! Prayers continue for many more days like this and better!❤️❤️

  15. It is happening!!! Baby steps. I had to laugh when you talked about scrubs When my daughter was in life support for a month I did just about everything too! AND they DID present me with my on scrubs! I still have them…they remind me that miracles DO HAPPEN!!!! Prayers and praying!!

  16. My heart jumped with joy to see you were able to take Tony outside...that picture.. love it! Continued prayers coming. Healing is coming. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  17. Praise God for the upswing. The Sweeney's have been praying for the Nelson's. God bless you guys.

  18. I’m so happy to read this! May God continue to heal your family and bring good news and blessings to your family.

  19. I have always felt like things were going to turn around once you got to OHSU. It’s a teaching hospital so you’ve got the brightest teachers and kits of young snd ambitious students!!! Great Day!!!

  20. Amazing!!! Prayer works my friends!!

  21. So grateful to hear so good news! ♥️ tears of joy and hope from me as well! Praise Jesus!! Will keep praying for finances, emotions & healing & wisdom for the doctors.


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