Day 39..We're HOME


5/5 7PM

DAY 39 

Tony WALKED out of the hospital today.

WE. ARE. HOME. And there's no place like it.

We had a super long day tying up all the loose ends and waiting for all the prescriptions to be filled. Thank GOD for insurance cause without it, the meds would've cost over $4000 for a ONE month supply. 

We got home just before 5pm. Tony requested a Jamba Juice and some Egg Flower Soup from our favorite Chinese restaurant on the way home. He's now tucked in and watching BLUEY, per his request. Best. Aussie. Cartoon. EVER. 

We are so thankful. But, so exhausted. 

It's bedtime for Team Nelson. We out.


  1. Well, I am sure you are all breathing a bit easier because those of us out here who have been watching and praying and even shedding tears of love for your family are breathing a bit easier. What a wonderful Cinco de Mayo… liberation day to be sure. 💖💖 from two of your biggest fans.

  2. Bawling!!!! So so happy for you

  3. Like you, I’m sure, there were days in this journey that I didn’t think this day would come. I am overjoyed it has. I pray for strength for you as carry the load for all as he recovers and that you all find moments of joy in the time together and the opportunity to help each other. And I pray Tony’s recovery is forward only from here on, that you see gains every day.

  4. Look at him! Thank you Jesus. He looks so good. There is color in his face and light in his eyes!

  5. Oh, this brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for everyone. ~a

  6. Such fantastic news. And great picture!

  7. So happy for ALL of you! Thanking God. We'll keep those prayers coming!

  8. Lauren VandermeerMay 6, 2023 at 6:54 AM

    Hooray, hooray!!! So thankful to see this good news this morning. Team Nelson is a FORCE! Thank you, Jesus, for all these answered prayers. Please continue to be near. Thank you for promising to always be in the valleys WITH us. Bless you all! Sending love and continuing to pray. 💛

  9. So thankful and so happy for you.

  10. So glad to hear this news. Will pass on to our prayer chain.

  11. This is the best news ever!!!!!!!!! Welcome home Nelson Family! So good to see him upright!


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