Finding Our New "Normal"

5/10 - Day 5 at home, The Shire

The Home Health nurse has visited twice now. The main objective is for them to check the drain, restock my supplies, check Tony's vitals, and do an overall well-check. He's officially lost 34 pounds. He's feeling a little bit better every day, and some days, we walk together down the driveway TWICE. This gorgeous weather helps...AND I believe it's helping his spirits also.

He rode the stationary bike for a bit today. But, the exertion does take a toll, and he needs a daily nap. He is just so incredibly weak.

PT will come here Friday. He briefly picked up a racket yesterday and started doing his famous "mock swings" before I yelled at him for any ab- torsion that might pull that drain out. Nurse Nelson isn't messing around. The doctors told him too. (The real ones.) He's NUTS! Send a psychiatrist. 

Which brings me to Exhibit B and C. (Not the psychological part) I have the best friends who support and ENCOURAGE my shenanigans. (I'm completely sane. Tired. Incredibly tired. But, sane.) They had this medical coat and PURPLE scrubs gifted to me. 💜 INSCRIBED, no less. It's official cause my white coat says so. Dr. Nelson at your service.

Sadly, our house has been hit with the plague. (I've tested negative for Covid twice) But Elijah has strep throat, and I can't seem to kick this cold. I know my body's just like, "nah girl, you're exhausted. Let's MAKE you rest." We really are just trying to keep Tony and Amelia (who has District's for tennis on Friday and Saturday) as healthy as possible. 

What a unique experience to have Tony home and medically fragile at the same time. The girls love it! We are still trying to find a groove and routine under the circumstances. Micah still has school, drop-offs, and pick-ups. Amelia has tennis. I'm working on more homeschooling with the girls. 2 kids had orthodontist appointments today. Elijah's banished to the "isle of misfits" (his room) where I occasionally throw food in until he's no longer contagious. All the while attending to Tony's meds and drain 4 times a day. It's a lot. But, we're together.. and that fills my heart with such JOY. I'll take "tired," as long as my people are home. What a beautiful overwhelm. Life is so beautifully precious and so painstakingly fragile. Hug your people. Trust. Hug them right now... I'll wait.



  1. AMEN!!!!!! ITS BEAUTIFUL ALRIGHT . It's because you have Jesus right beside you nurse Nelson pushing you along !

  2. Praying for strength and wellness and that Jesus joy surrounds you in the midst of the madness🥰

  3. I know who to call when I'm not feeling well. Rest, relax, and recover everyone!

  4. Yes 🙌🏻 nurse Nelson is the real deal!! Wonderful news other than household plague but a full household!!

  5. Such great news and comfort to see the progress. But prayers for a speedy and full recovery for Tony will continue!

  6. So inspiring. Praying y’all are blessed beyond measure. I went on a mission trip with the Fiskums and she forwards your post. They are a gift for all who are tired. Many people you don’t know and will likely never meet are praying. Keep writing

  7. Love your Spirit!! Still praying💐🫶🏼

  8. So happy to read this update. Continuing to pray over your family.

  9. so glad tony is home with his family and i really miss him on the courts as well, he runs the most fun, heart pumping classes with the best tunes! Elijah did excellent in his absense. Happy and healthy trails on the road to recovery. JH

  10. So happy Tony is back home!


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