Home is where ALL 8 of us are


Team Nelson is doing the things.

This is what physical therapy/rehab looks like. A walk down the driveway. Down, and back UP, once a day.

And wouldn't you know it, my body (Becky) finally let it allllll go and decided to crash. I'm really sick. Fever. Chills. Body aches. (Covid Negative) But, it's like, once we got home... I could finally breathe, and my body shut down. I'm staying away from Tony, sleeping on the couch, unless I'm playing Nurse Nelson. 

It's all about resting for all of us. Taking deep breaths. Letting our bodies heal and guide.

The home health nurse is coming tomorrow. Tony has some intermittent pain, but it's managed with Tylenol. He says his stomach still feels upset/weird. But, he's tolerating food ok. He's just REALLY weak and tired. But, he LURVES his Outshine popsicles. 

Our sweet friend, Amy, made Tony these AWESOME covers for his drain bag and a Bluey pillow to boot. His face when I showed him...priceless. We've all been watching a LOT of Bluey. It's the best "feel good" show on the planet. 

Just a small update today. I wanted you all to know we're doing ok. It felt weird not to do a blog post yesterday, but I was in no condition to try and post.

We are thankful for continued prayers. Tony has such a long way to go. Early in this journey, I had someone (kindly) remind me to stop saying how BIG Tony's mountain is, and start telling the mountain how BIG our God is. If you've followed this from Day 1, I'd say we have a BIG God that performed a BIG miracle. Tony isn't climbing Everest alone. He never was.


  1. That is wonderful news! More better days. And those outshine pops are the best!!

  2. Hope you feel better soon Becky! So happy the great eight are home together in the shire!

  3. He certainly does have the outfit to be walking as the Lord of his Kingdom (The Shire) this looks straight out of a movie scene!

  4. I am sorry to hear you crashed but you have been holding it together for a long time. I pray for quick healing for you and steady progress for Tony as you settle into a rhythm that allows you all to rest and recover.

  5. Your turn to rest and recover, Becky. Home is the best place to recover, as I am sure Tony (and you) know!

  6. His popsicle countenance is awesome!!! It shines as I might would imagine Moses's face while witnessing the glory of our Awesome Mighty Loving Ever-present FATHER GOD!!! You both are such an inspiration to keep fighting the good fight!!!

  7. He will never be alone

  8. So happy you are home and that Tony is healing. Doesn’t matter how long it takes. Moving in the right direction! And we will hope for your speedy recovery as well, Becky!! Thanks for keeping us up to date. It is so appreciated. ❤️❤️❤️

  9. Yes, we do serve a BIG God!! He has given you an amazing "Village Support Group". I stand happily amazed how you being cared for and loved. God is good ALLLLLLL the time!


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