Back at OHSU for a JAUNT

 December Update - Kinda a big one. 

Few people know, but Tony had another recent "flare-up" with his "sub-par," VERY damaged pancreas that began on Sunday and lasted two days. (Yes, he took his citizenship test in pain, cause you don't reschedule with the USCIS.) But, we aren't messing around, and so today (Wednesday) we found ourselves back at OHSU for a check-in. (Remind me to make a PowerPoint Ted Talk on TRAUMA/PTSD.) 

We left OHSU with a better plan on how to manage these "flares" so that in the future, he doesn't have to miss MORE work time. (2 days off this week) And we left with future lab draws for some genetic testing. Jury says this is all still "idiopathic".... so, in a true episode of "House" fashion, we're still "guessing" on what to stay away from as far as nutrition. But, this was the VERY first time we'd heard about options should this ever become chronic and/or progressively worse. There was HOPE felt for both of us... and peace.

As many know, Tony passed his US CITIZENSHIP test on Tuesday and will have a swearing in ceremony next month. It was time. 23 years of being here, we are so proud of him. That test was NOT easy, and I'm 100% sure I could not have passed it. In fact, I don't think many Americans could pass it on the fly. 

In a round of good news: our INSURANCE finally covered his last emergent FIVE DAY STAY, at the most sterile Bed & Breakfast in Oregon, in FULL! *ugly tears* 

*SIDE NOTE* If you've followed my musings since March and know about Elijah's car accident in September of 2022, it is STILL in "settlement." PLEASE pray. Some weights are off my shoulders, and others have lingered heavily.

Our Ezrah. Gulp. Our warrior. She's doing great. She finally started playing tennis again. YOU GUYS! She no longer limps. SHE IS LIVING HER BEST LIFE with 2 of the cutest German Shepherd fluff-balls in ALLLL OF THE LAND. She does have to go in on Jan 3rd for bloodwork to make sure that her kidney and liver are functioning ok on the new medication. Those are THEEEE hardest days, on both of us. But, a trip to Barnes and Noble and some Panda Express helps her just a little. Oddly, those places/treats have become tradition. It's good that she hasn't asked for a pony. 

We're looking forward to a quiet Christmas. Elijah and I got summoned to jury duty next week, and the kids are soooo worried I will "miss" Christmas. Admittedly, the timing is less than ideal for the mom that handles ALLLL OFFF THEEE CHRISTMAS. I can't even fathom not having that week to tie up loose ends, but, hey, maybe it'll be a Johnny and Amber case?!

Thank you for always reading my thoughts and mush here. If nothing else, this is a form of therapy for me. Someday, I'll print it and look back on it all, with awe and tears, no doubt. What a wild ride. I'm tired. But, mostly full of gratitude and loving every ounce of this season. 

We wish you all a VERY Merry Christmas. 

I'll update next month....

Thank you for being a village that prays, supports, and loves on us so hard. We feel SEEN.


  1. I love reading these and hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! 🎄

  2. Merry Christmas and sending hugs

  3. Jenney from the blockDecember 13, 2023 at 7:27 PM

    Merry Christmas sending you all love and healthy vibes for the New Year sweet friends!

  4. Glad one burden has been resolved. Praying for a good outcome for the other and continued progress for both Tony and Ezzie. Don't sweat the jury duty too much. They don't schedule the big trials for December. Usually it's one day things and they often get settled. I've been called three times in my life and have never served. Just a couple of hours in the morning hanging out while the lawyers make last minute deals to avoid a trial.

  5. Thank you for sharing updates. It is good to know so I can pray for specific concerns, not the least being peace and joy this Christmas season. Blessings on you and your family.

  6. Merry Christmas to the family and may 2024 be the healthiest year for all!!!

  7. I’m continuing to pray and sending love💖🙏

  8. Merry Christmas Nelson Family and may you have a Happy Healthy New Year🥰🥰🥰

  9. Such great news for all of you❣️I wish 2024 to be a bit more restful for The Nelson Family💕Congratulations to Tony🇺🇸Not an easy test! Best hugs and wishes❤️TL

  10. My heart is simultaneously burdened for your struggles and awed at your fortitude. God’s peace radiates through your words.


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