Angiogram Procedure on 3/20

It's been a minute. Isn't that just AWESOME?!

I've been wanting to come on here and share the latest...

We're coming up on the one year mark of Tony's initial hospital admission. March 28th, to be exact. Often, it feels like yesterday. But, sometimes, it feels like a lifetime ago. Because of that, doctors are choosing to do some recon and "check" on things. Tony will undergo an angiogram on March 20th at OHSU. The procedure is supposed to be 2-4 hours, and I'm sure you remember how well he does with those!? (Not well at all. They ALWAYS take longer, with a few hiccups in the past. We've lost count, but I think this will be the 5th one.) My guess is a CT will be around June/July to further check his pancreas. With the new year comes new out-of-pocket maxes and deductibles. But, we believe this is necessary for some peace of mind and to make sure staying off all medications is best. We are hopeful this will just be a quick in and out procedure. Would LOVE prayer that day...and the days following...and the days leading up to...

Ezrah Joy, My beautiful 5'8", 13 year old! She grew over 2 inches in two months, so I'd say her bone health is doing AWESOME. She meets fairly regularly with Rheumatology, but her medication is WORKING, and she's resumed life as a normal teen, for the most part. Her latest labs were eye-opening for me. Some of the stuff they can point on with her bones and inflammation are CRAZY. I am so grateful for modern medicine and doctors that CARE. She really has the BEST team at Randalls. So far, she's had no note-worthy flare-ups, and her inflammation has been at bay. 

Short update from me. Not gonna lie, not totally thrilled to get back on the roller-coaster. Praying the ride this time ends somewhere tropical. 🤣

If you're reading this, you're a part of our village, and as always, that brings us to our knees in gratitude. 💜


  1. Oh girl, I get what your are experiencing. The roller coaster with Kevin is crazy and now know it will be probably for the rest his life. Praying for you and your family. Hugs my friend.

  2. Hopefully your birthday wishes all come
    true ♥️ Love you! Aunt Kathy

  3. Girlfriend and coolest family. All will be well❣️You all have had enough❤️❤️❤️❤️TL

  4. I just love you Becks. So very grateful that Tony’s AND Ezrah’s health is good right now and that you haven’t had to be on high alert 24/7. Thankful that you guys can just breathe a bit. Will definitely be praying for Tony’s procedure as well as the before and after. Continuing to pray for YOUR heart too, as you’re carrying the emotional mama/wife bear load of all this. Love your fam to pieces. 💕

  5. Huge hugs and continued prayers. So much love 💖🥰💖

  6. Continuing to pray for you guys!

  7. So grateful you get to have some more answers!


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