ATP Dreams and OR Shenanigans


           (Blurred photo to protect "the patient")

Tony's procedure went really well. As always, we got an AWESOME team assigned to him. OHSU is amazing. BEST, KINDEST, HAPPIEST staff around. (Hey, they played 90's pop in the OR. THESE are my people. Backstreet's BACK alright!! I DID ask to go back with him as a back-up dancer. They smiled and nodded. Politely.)

Apparently, all 3 stints had fallen out on their own. Dr. Yu said his pancreas looks remarkably well, all things considered. She said if she hadn't known of his lengthy stay here last year, she would NEVER HAVE BEEN ABLE TO TELL how bad it was. The portion of his pancreas that "died" or necrotized will not come back or repair on its own, but it appears to be functioning well. Not 100%. But, "well." She was pleased. 

She did find some "sludge" in his gall bladder. We don't KNOW if that was the cause of pancrea-maggedon 2023. But, she is taking Tony's (Medical "House") case to their conference to discuss with his team about gallbladder removal in the near-ish future. If that "sludge" were to produce "the perfect storm," it's a pancreatitis flare-up, which is no Bueno.

Dr. Yu DID biopsy his stomach, but NOT the pancreas. (Don't fix what's NOT broken, and NEVER NEVER poke a sleeping bear.)

As always, Tony's anesthesia "trip" was of epic proportions, complete with an outdoor practice court with Alexander Zverev. I swear, this man and his good fortune under the juice. Today's recovery room was one for the books.

Thank you for all the prayers and well-wishes today for our family. And thank you for alllll the birthday love yesterday for my 29th! Ain't no birthday like a Facebook birthday, and it's gonna take me a minute to reply. But hearts and KITTIES to each of YOU!

We are home now, this was an outpatient gig.

I'll update more when we know....




  1. So glad things went well!

  2. This is fantastic! I love your writing it is hilarious ❤️

  3. So good to hear. Didn’t know he had another procedure so even better to hear. Did he win his match? Happy belated birthday❤️❤️❤️❤️TL


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