
Showing posts from May, 2023

Insurance SNAFU's & Recovery

 *UPDATES* 5/30 6PM Tony's recovery is going swimmingly well. We have LOTS of follow-up appointments coming, including another CT scan on 6/7 where doctors will assess removing the drain he still has in place. (If the CT is favorable, he will undergo a small surgery for removal directly after that appointment.) We need that scan to be crystal clear and not alerting to ANYTHING new that may require yet another surgery.  Nurse Nelson is still tending to drain flushes and trying to reign in the "work-horse" that is my husband who thought staining the deck would be a good "endurance excercise". He got "permission" to hit some tennis balls, and so he has been working on that and regaining strength. (He's asked me to "hit" with him, but I've officially quit tennis... for the 479th time. I'm serious this time.) Each day is an improvement for him. His goal is to ease back into work at the tennis center, starting on the 12th of JUNE, and d


 *UPDATES* 5/24 3:30PM I think this last round may take a minute or two to bounce back from. Two surgeries totaling nearly 12 years on the operating room table, and another 5 days in the hospital took its toll. He's tired. He's sore. His head feels funny. He has ZERO appetite.  He's up quite a bit at night. He wants the drain out. I had a dear friend remind me that having all the drugs and anesthesia pump through his veins in such a short amount of time IS going to take time to get OUT of his system. We had JUST felt like he was making quick progress. We felt the upswing SURGE last week. Then, BAM. I know he will still return to work in mid-June. I know he will push as much as he can. I know he will test his limits...and mine. I know he will fight like hell. For now, it's time at home, with the kids. We will take it day by day. Together. 

HOME. There's no place like it.

*UPDATES* 5/23 1:45pm Guess who's HOME? My beloved. I broke him out of the sterile B&B and his suite in the underground today. He's not feeling as well as when he went IN on Friday. (2 surgeries and 5 days in a room in a basement will do that to you.) But, it's simply a slip. I'll get him back fighting in no time. #TEAMNELSON WE FIGHT. (Just after we nap.)

Another VERY Long DAY!

                        Happy is hot Lipton Tea *UPDATES* 5/22/23 9pm Another LONG day. Tony went to the OR at 1 p.m., and surgery lasted 6 hours. I HATE the wait. LOATHE. It's excruciating.  We are FINALLY back in the suite. I don't have a ton of info as I've not personally spoken to the IR Team, but I believe the surgery TODAY was successful!   (In regards to my humor yesterday. I mean no disrespect to anyone. I believe laughter really is the best medicine, and it's one of the ONLY things that helps my sanity. I HAVE to find the humor. It's essential. For me. And, I LOVE laughing. Laughing's my favorite.)  Hearts & Kitties, Beckyoncé

We're Back at OHSU

*UPDATES* 5/21 6:30pm What a maddening "system" and a completely frustrating situation we have found ourselves in. First of all, Tony is ok. He had a 5.5-hour surgery to repair the 3 pseudoaneurysms, but they were NOT successful. They also were not able to remove the drain quite yet, and they have discovered a clot that may have come on BECAUSE of today's procedure. He's in recovery and will stay at least TWO more nights at OHSU. The IR team will discuss the plan going back in tomorrow and possibly a different surgery altogether. (This is night 3 at once again, the most sterile B&B in Portland.) But, we are at their mercy. And we are thankful to be here. Yes, today is a setback. But, Tony will fight. He always does. Here's how pancre-apocalypse all went down starting on 5/13. It’s long. But, I promise to make you laugh!  After calling the "on-call" doctor's at OHSU LAST Saturday (5/13) because we were having some issues with Tony's drain. (Re

Still finding's been...hard. (For me)

5/15 We've had some problems with Tony's drain this weekend not draining, and also, the flush solution is often coming OUT of the insertion site in his left flank. This could mean a few things: 1) The drain has moved or come out 2) The flushes are going AROUND the abscess  3) The drain has finished its job and is ready to come out We are hoping for option 3. We've called OHSU twice now (Saturday AM and Monday AM), and they want him in sooner rather than later for another CT. CT Scan appointments are booked out 2-3 weeks, and our original appointment isn't until NEXT Monday night. So, they may send us through the ER so we can get in. (It's a back door way to get a bed and an appointment.) We don't want a bed, but we DO want an appointment.  Tony started home PT last week with a therapist from Peacehealth, and the home nurse also came on Wednesday. We are walking everyday and he's doing up to 15 mins on the stationary bike. Against Dr. Nelson's orders, he

Finding Our New "Normal"

5/10 - Day 5 at home, The Shire The Home Health nurse has visited twice now. The main objective is for them to check the drain, restock my supplies, check Tony's vitals, and do an overall well-check. He's officially lost 34 pounds. He's feeling a little bit better every day, and some days, we walk together down the driveway TWICE. This gorgeous weather helps...AND I believe it's helping his spirits also. He rode the stationary bike for a bit today. But, the exertion does take a toll, and he needs a daily nap. He is just so incredibly weak. PT will come here Friday. He briefly picked up a racket yesterday and started doing his famous "mock swings" before I yelled at him for any ab- torsion that might pull that drain out. Nurse Nelson isn't messing around. The doctors told him too. (The real ones.) He's NUTS! Send a psychiatrist.  Which brings me to Exhibit B and C. (Not the psychological part) I have the best friends who support and ENCOURAGE my shenani

Home is where ALL 8 of us are

5/7  Team Nelson is doing the things. This is what physical therapy/rehab looks like. A walk down the driveway. Down, and back UP, once a day. And wouldn't you know it, my body (Becky) finally let it allllll go and decided to crash. I'm really sick. Fever. Chills. Body aches. (Covid Negative) But, it's like, once we got home... I could finally breathe, and my body shut down. I'm staying away from Tony, sleeping on the couch, unless I'm playing Nurse Nelson.  It's all about resting for all of us. Taking deep breaths. Letting our bodies heal and guide. The home health nurse is coming tomorrow. Tony has some intermittent pain, but it's managed with Tylenol. He says his stomach still feels upset/weird. But, he's tolerating food ok. He's just REALLY weak and tired. But, he LURVES his Outshine popsicles.  Our sweet friend, Amy, made Tony these AWESOME covers for his drain bag and a Bluey pillow to boot. His face when I showed him...priceless. We've all

Day 39..We're HOME

*UPDATES* 5/5 7PM DAY 39  Tony WALKED out of the hospital today. WE. ARE. HOME. And there's no place like it. We had a super long day tying up all the loose ends and waiting for all the prescriptions to be filled. Thank GOD for insurance cause without it, the meds would've cost over $4000 for a ONE month supply.  We got home just before 5pm. Tony requested a Jamba Juice and some Egg Flower Soup from our favorite Chinese restaurant on the way home. He's now tucked in and watching BLUEY, per his request. Best. Aussie. Cartoon. EVER.  We are so thankful. But, so exhausted.  It's bedtime for Team Nelson. We out.

Day 37 & 38

*UPDATES* 5/3 @ 6PM Day #38 HE'S COMING HOME TOMORROW!!! We tied up a LOT of loose ends today to begin our way towards discharge. The feeding tube was removed today! (Even though Tony isn't quite where the caloric goal is, they're happy with his progress and believe he will continue to trend upwards with eating.)  I got a crash course in home care and flushing/maintaining the drain. (I'm becoming a nurse after this. Not even kidding.) They are switching to an oral blood thinner (PRAISE HANDS), so I won't have to give him shots in the abdomen twice a day. A home health nurse will be coming to our house Monday or Tuesday to restock me and help as needed. (SUPER nervous about the drain itself, but confident in how to care for that portion.)  His bloodwork is still wonk-a-doo, but they assure me it's expected based on what his body is doing right now. (And, I have peace knowing that we'll be closely monitored with outpatient appointments.)  All his meds will be

Day 35 & 36

*UPDATES* 5/2 @4:30pm Day #36 Tony's doing well after yesterday's procedures and has been able to eat a bit more today. There's a lot of new info coming down the pipes with this new team of docs. Some of the doctors are eluding to him being discharged this week, others are discussing gall bladder removal, others are saying he needs to be nutritionally more sound before leaving, others are saying let's wait and see what this drain does. Nurse Nelson is saying, "Um, can we be discharged when he's had more than ONE good day in a row!?" Pretty, please? IF he comes home with ALL. OF. THE. tubes, it's on Nurse Nelson ("Doctor" may be more appropriate at this point, thank you, Lorna) and a Home Health nurse as my backup. I have VERY mixed emotions about this. If the site and tube bled again like it did 2 nights ago, I'm pretty sure we would've been back in the emergency department cause Doctor Nelson would NOT be messing around with any inte