Day 33 & 34

*UPDATES* 4/30 @6PM DAY 34 Tony's about the same as he was yesterday. I did bust him out again for some air and Vitamin D, and he walked a good portion. He will be going in for procedures #6 & #7 tomorrow. The CT revealed that there is still a lot of fluid on the outer drain. At this point, it may have connected to his left lung and added more fluid to the lung that has already been drained once. The plan is to go in and reposition the drain OR, make it bigger, and drain the lung also. The initial drain just isn't draining as it should be. GI will also go in and remove the stints from his stomach. At any moment, he is going down for an x-ray where they will have him swallow while they take imaging to make sure something isn't wonky there. He still has just felt super "off" since the potassium was placed in his feeding tube a few days ago. And they need to make sure nothing is "leaking." Tomorrow is sure to be a BIG day. Prayers are appreciated! *UP...